i talk from one perspective n it's mine

perasan x bila kita nek van, bas or train
akan ada mnusia yang senyap jer 
skali pandang memang meaningless r idop dye
cam org yang totally looser

pause sebentar

actually, taw x dye bukan mcm tu.?
 example snowcap bukan lah topi.
xphm.?tgok nieh.!

sory pinjam gmba.. ngee

what i'm trying to say is
luaran bukanlah semuanya
kita tak kan dapat beli eternity love wlaupon kte cantek
ops.! salah sambung.! balik pd citer asal, dorg bukan la mcm tu pun.
ta kne tempat tade la hyper bumper kan.?
kang check in hospital bahagia kan sia-sia.

conclusionnyer : dont judge a person by the cover becoz he's not a book. jd la consideration n take 1st move tuk kenal dye. kan lg berbaloi-baloi...korg smbung la sndri eklan celcom uh.

ni lg satu present tristimewa

i'm gonna mish all cipanism.! trust me.


  1. ur freakingly true dear. hahahha!!

    never judge ppl on how he/she looks like coz when ur always judge ppl, u don't have time to love them.

    pity... =>

  2. dh lama tk naik bas or van. T_____T

  3. missed that time

  4. aisyah : tq =)

    mai : try la hujung mggu ni kuar nek bas..mesti best gler..
